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ISO 20121:2012

Things You Need to Know

ISO 20121:2012

ISO 20121:2012

  • ISO 20121: Events Sustainability Management Systems has been launched in June 2012. ISO 20121 is an international standard that specifies a management system designed to assist the events industry to improve the sustainability of events. ISO 20121 certification states that an event management company is committed to sustainability. Events are held everywhere, it can be as small as a village function is or it can be too big like an international event (Cricket World cup or Olympics). Every event has its economic, social & environmental impacts. During events resources (ex water, energy, etc) are put under pressure & the local community suffers due to carbon emission & waste generation. ISO 20121 certification helps you in organizing a sustainable event.

    ISO 20121:2012 certification is relevant to all members of the event industry supply chain including organizers, event managers, stand builders, caterers, and logistics suppliers, etc.
    ISO 20121 is suitable for all sizes and types of events. QCCI ISO 20121 certification will help you lead to improvements in key sustainability issues such as venue selection, transport, recycling or reusing demolition waste, creating a sustainable food strategy, promoting healthy living, and creating skills, employment, and business legacies.

    ISO 20121 helps the organization to understand where & when resources are being used & waste is being generated, then encourages a step-wise analysis of the data that highlights opportunities for reduction. ISO 20121 standard is the world’s first international certifiable management system standard on sustainability.